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Writer's pictureBecca Robinson

To a tone-deaf Nation

To my Nation that has become tone-deaf:

Will you tune your ears to hear the pitch in my voice as I try to bring you out of what has become flat?

My children you must tune your ears out of the pitch of defeat. Can’t you see it’s made you flat and dull? You must train your ears to hear what is flat and what is sharp, you must know how to hear the difference in what is flat and what is sharp!

If you tune your ears you will hear my sharp pitch is over the deafening noise of this world. I need you sharp ready for battle, to know how to train, to know how to equip others, to know how to stay sharp when all you hear is flat.

I did not create MY children to be deaf, to be flat, I created MY children to know the difference between my voice and the voice of darkness!

Because my Nation has become tone-deaf I am coming to be the iron that will sharpen you once again!

Do you see how I Am over a tone-deaf Nation!

(tone-deaf also known as amusia) do you see that I can take and rearrange the notes over your Nation!

(seen the word amusia rearrange and become I Am USA with the I Am over USA - and a knowing feeling that Yahweh is over the USA)

Stop asking where I am and understand I am teaching my land a new sound. A sound in a pitch that will never leave you flat again but will always keep you sharp! Sharp in your mind, sharp in your body, sharp in your emotions, sharp in your spirit!

You must choose to leave the flat word from a season of the past I need you to see it’s making you dull and MY children are not dull and flat - MY children are sharp.

Sharp to cut through the things of this world, sharp to not be cut by the things of this world, sharp to cut others from the bondage of this world! To remember you are in this world but not of this world. How can you cut others free if you are dull?

You must be sharp - sharp is what will be heard in this season!

My iron is coming to be the sharpening agent needed in this season. As I come in and prepare you to be sharpened will you release the season of the past defeats or will you choose to hold on to the very things that have made you flat and dull? Will you allow me to be the iron against your iron, making you a sharp sound that vibrates the tone-deaf ears back to me?

The choice my children is yours. I am coming like iron to sharpen you! I am coming to sharpen my Nation! I am coming to teach you a pitch from the shofars of heaven! I am coming for my sharpened shofars!

Will you be my sharpened shofar that releases the pitch of heaven over your Nation?

Cambridge Dictionary

Tone-deaf : not understanding how people feel about something, or what is needed in a particular situation - example sentence - many politicians are tone deaf to the anxieties of the average voter

Science Direct

Amusia: a severe impairment in the ability to accurately perceive and produce music, which is not caused by general cognitive, perceptual or motor disability

Proverbs 27:17

It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade, and so one person sharpens the character of


Hebrews 5:11-12

We have much to say about this topic although it is difficult to explain, because you have become too dull and sluggish to understand. For you should already be professors instructing others by now; but instead, you need to be taught from the beginning the basics of God’s prophetic oracles! You’re like children still needing milk and not yet ready to digest solid food.

Matthew 13:15-16

Their minds are dull and slow to perceive,

their ears are plugged and are hard of hearing,

and they have deliberately shut their eyes to the truth. Otherwise they would open their eyes to see,

and open their ears to hear, and open their minds to understand. Then they would turn to me

and I would instantly heal them. “But blissful are your eyes, for they see. Delighted are your ears, for they are open to hear all these things.


When Yahweh started downloading this word I thought it was a teaching, but as I sat in prayer I felt this tug that in this season I am to write these words to be read over and over again (when needed) and not be trying to find a video or teaching.

I have gotten used to just doing a video and explaining but I also need to grow and can’t just stick to what I’m used to but trust what I am being led to do a new thing!

I’m praying that wherever you are when this word finds you, you ask yourself have you become tone-deaf to things we are used to? Or will we be led (even when uncomfortable) knowing it’s never about our comfort but always about our Comforter! Jesus!

We all have areas we can or have gone dull in - now we have the opportunity to become sharp in those areas and not go dim!

Love you guys and praying for you!


Wear LOVE everywear!!


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